Copyright 2005


Better Living Through Natural Hormone Replacement

Presented by


Lyn Hanshew, M.D.

June 26, 2005


There are two major components of a pro-active protocol.

Get the "good chemistry" in and the "bad chemistry" out.


What's the "bad" and what's the "good"?

How much do you have and what do you need?

Accurate testing is imperative! How do you get it?


"Good Chemistry"

Micronutrients: Vitamins, Minerals, Oxygen, H2O, etc.

Macronutrients: Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats

Normal intake should be 50/30/20.

These are some of the required materials your body needs to make specific

Materials for specific functions: Hormones, Neurotransmitters, Antibodies,

Enzymes, Muscles, Nerves, etc.

Labs to check "good chemistry" levels.

Amino acids, Minerals, Vitamins Levels, and Fatty Acids Levels.

"Bad Chemistry"

Chemistry that impedes or blocks proper functions of the body.

Environmental toxins : Heavy metals, Mercury amalgam, Pesticides,

Artificial sweeteners and colorings, Toxins from bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc.

These toxins significantly negatively affect the Endocrine system,

Immune system and all other organ systems based upon exposure

and genetic capability for detoxification.

Chronic Stress Chemistry: results in high level of Adrenal Hormones, such as,

Cortisol and eventually suppresses DHEA, Testosterone, Estradiol, Progesterone

and Thyroid Hormones.

Symptoms of Toxicity

Fatigue, Insomnia, Anxiety, Mood Swings,

Decreased Concentration, Short-term Memory Deficits

Central Obesity, Decreased Glucose Regulation, High LDL Cholesterol,

Low HDL Cholesterol

Decreased Digestion, Decreased Adsorption, Constipation

Numbness, Tingling, Weakness, Cold, Hot Flashes, Skin Rash, Hair Loss

Decreased Libido, Decreased Sexual Function, Menstrual Abnormalities


Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance


Fatigue, Insomnia, Anxiety, Mood Swings,

Decreased Concentration, Short-term Memory Deficits

Central Obesity, Decreased Glucose Regulation, High LDL Cholesterol,

Low HDL Cholesterol

Decreased Digestion, Decreased Adsorption, Constipation

Numbness, Tingling, Weakness, Cold, Hot Flashes, Skin Rash, Hair Loss

Decreased Libido, Decreased Sexual Function, Menstrual Abnormalities


Testing for Heavy Metals and Other Toxins

It is the liver's major job to detoxify the body through 4 pathways.

Heavy metals are the most destructive. Blood tests are useless

If Mercury Amalgam is present:

Only mild detoxification protocols may be used to test and treat.

Oral IV CaEdta - collect urine

Oral DMSA - collect stool

Oral Nutritional Supplementation

And Somatic Therapies

If NO Mercury Amalgam is present:

IV DMPS/CaEdta protocol - collect urine


Accurate Testing is Difficult to Achieve











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