Our animals are sicker than ever before. Ask any vet who’s been practicing for more than 10 years; they’ve never seen such an increase in the rate of liver disease, nervous system disorders, cancers and diabetes. Ever wonder why? It’s because pets are being routinely poisoned with environmental toxins, pet foods, heavy metals and chemicals, both inside and outside the home.



What if the simple addition of a few drops of all natural activated liquid zeolites could change the impact of these toxins for you and you pets?



Liquid zeolite pulls the bad stuff out and lets the good stuff in.....



"Zeolites can possibly assist  with the following animal health issues, which are often linked to toxic overload: Allergies, Ear/Eye/Hoof problems, Aggression and Behavioral Disorders, Anemia, Arteriosclerosis, Bone/Joint Disorders, Bladder Infections and Stones, Bloating, Cancer, Colic, Dental Problems, Diabetes, Infertility, Inflammation, Kidney Stones, Musculoskeletal Problems, Obesity, Pancreatic Dysfunction, Respiratory Illnesses, Sinusitis, Skin Problems, Thyroid Problems, Ulcers, Urinary Problems, Bacterial and Viral Infections, Wound Healing."

The following brochure is a great sales tool. It is a 3rd party site and can be accessed here www.healthyagingtools.com

Tools  >  Brochures  >  Zeolite and Pets
Zeolite and Pets
Item Code: WB406
Pack of 25

To ensure good health in their pets, owners provide high quality organic foods, nutritional supplements, and regular health care visits. Owners don’t want to see their pets suffer from illness or injury any more than a parent does a child. So why is the incidence of animal disease rising? Why are veterinarians seeing more cases of cancer, heart disease, liver disease, diabetes, and allergies than ever before? It may startle devoted pet owners to learn that their animal friends are continually exposed to environmental toxins which are invisible to the naked eye, but can wreak havoc in bodies of both animals and humans.

Just as we know it’s harmful for human beings to breath in polluted air or drink polluted water, our pets, too, can get ill from pollutant they encounter both indoors and out; the number of ways in which a pet can be exposed is astounding. Find out how activate liquid zeolite can help.

Price: $10.00
A.D.P. Discount Price: $7.00 (30% OFF)
Bulk Discounts:

4+ $8.75 (13% OFF)

packs of 25

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Human Conditions                                                       Animal Conditions
Linked to                                                                         Linked to
Toxic Overload                                                              Toxic Overload

Aid Reflux                                                    Allergies
Aging                                                            Agression
ADD, ADHD                                               Anemia
Allergies                                                       Arteriosclerosis
ALS                                                              Arthritis
Alzheimer’s Disease                                   Asthma
Anxiety Disorders                                       Azotoria
Arthritis                                                        Behavioral problems
Arrhythmia                                                   Bladder Infections
Asthma                                                          Bloat
Autism                                                           Bronchitis
Bipolar Disorder                                           Bursitis
Bursitis                                                          Cancer
Cancer                                                           Colic
Cardiovascular Disease                               Cystitis 
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome                           Dental problems
Dementia                                                       Dermatitis
Depression                                                     Diabetes
Diabetes                                                         Ear Infections
Eczema                                                            Enteroliths
Fatigue                                                            Eye problems
Fibromyalgia                                                   Fungal Infections
Gastrointestinal problems                              Hoof problems
Hypercholesterolemia                                     Infertitilty
Insomnia                                                           Inflammation
Infections (Lyme, Hepetitis, HIV)                  Kidney Disease
Liver Dysfunction                                            Laminitis
Macular Degeneration                                    Melanomas
Mood Disorders                                               Muculo-Skeletal problems
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity                          Pancreatic Dysfunction
Multiple Sclerosis                                             Poor Fitness Recovery
Neuropathy, Neuroma                                      Proud Flesh
Obesity                                                              Respiratory problems
Osteoporosis                                                     Sarcoids
Parkinson’s Disease
Poor Fitness Recovery                                      Skin Disorders
Psoriasis                                                             Stall Vices
Renal (Kidney)Disease                                     Thyroid problems
Reproductive Disorders                                    Training problems
Shingles                                                              Tumors
Stroke                                                                 Ulcers
Systemic Lupus Erythematosis                         Urinary problems
Tinnitus                                                               Viral Infections
Viral Infections                                                   Wound Healing
Wound Healing





What if the simple addition of a few drops of all natural activated liquid zeolites could change the impact of these toxins for you and you pets?

Liquid zeolite pulls the bad stuff out and lets the good stuff in.....

"Zeolites can possibly assist  with the following animal health issues, which are often linked to toxic overload: Allergies, Ear/Eye/Hoof problems, Aggression and Behavioral Disorders, Anemia, Arteriosclerosis, Bone/Joint Disorders, Bladder Infections and Stones, Bloating, Cancer, Colivvc, Dental Problems, Diabetes, Infertility, Inflammation, Kidney Stones, Musculoskeletal Problems, Obesity, Pancreatic Dysfunction, Respiratory Illnesses, Sinusitis, Skin Problems, Thyroid Problems, Ulcers, Urinary Problems, Bacterial and Viral Infections, Wound Healing