Are you healthy and working hard to stay that way? Are you conscious about the importance of eating right and exercising? Are you looking for a spiritually fulfilling and financially rewarding way to create multiple streams of income? Would you like to develop supportive relationships with fellow team members? Are you or any family member, friend or associate dealing with any chronic illness... Cancer, Hepatitis, Diabetes, PMS, Menopause, Depression, Autism, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, ADD and ADHD? Do your kids catch everything going around at school? Are you looking for natural products for your pets?
Depending on what we are facing, conventional healthcare, which has its place, can be limited in approach and fraught with side-effects. Holistic Medicine and natural supplementation is an important avenue of healing. Finding a balance and synergy between the different modalities can be confusing but is certainly attainable.
There are just a few things you will need to know to get started... It is so easy, just fill out your information on the form below, make sure to list who referred you and we will personally contact you to assist you with product purchase and enrollment! THE KEY IS TO MAKE A COMMITMENT, research everything you can in this site about the products, use and love the products and refer folks to this site using your name as a reference! We do the rest for you! Have the products shipped to you every month so you do not run out... If you have a service you would like to add to our team web site send an email with your link and a paragraph about what you do!
CONGRATULATIONS! We are here for you... and are really excited that you have taken this step. We know you will have questions so feel free to begin emailing one of us and we will respond within 24 hours...
You know the importance of setting goals and making a contract with yourself and sticking to your guns. By being here you are well on your way to success. The plan is simple and will require some commitment and effort on your part. We are here as a support team with a synergy of knowledge between us to share. Please know that we encourage women and men to join our team. We are a motivated group of individuals that are empowered by each other and love to encourage and support our teams! The more the merrier.
When you have success, we have success! That is the cool thing about this. You have decided to join our team and learn how to get healthy and prosper simply by sharing your results and excitement with your family, friends and associates.
This is also known as Network Marketing. It may take a little while being on the products before you get results and that is o.k. You may have results in the first week. People are different, so the most important thing is to make this a year long commitment in your life. Make it a landmark!!!
The rule of thumb is that for every year you have an issue, you need one to two months of work to change it. Your body will naturally detoxify and you could experience some uncomfortable times; that is why we are here, to guide you through the tough and the easy times!
So, with that in mind, I will continue with explaining more about the other common term for this business which is Multilevel Marketing. This is NOT a pyramid. Pyramids are illegal and ask that you give money to someone without purchasing anything. The good news is that by enrolling as an associate you are in business for yourself. You are now buying products at the best possible wholesale price and some of your products are a business expense.
I am so excited to teach you about this but, more later... Back to basics...
By being here you are making the decision to make a quantum shift in your life. To begin this new positive journey with us you will need to do a few things to get started.
Once we contact you we will help design the perfect combination of products based on your specific needs. After reading our personal pages and you feel a familiar chord with one of us you can work directly with whom ever you choose You can find our individual emails on our own pages and contact us that way. Once we assist you with enrolling and purchasing products, we will continually enroll people off of our site. Once one of us has enrolled you and you have an associate number, Go on the Mannatech site and order business cards. Make sure the business cards have this url and refer your friends here often. Have them contact one of us using YOUR name as the referral.
#1 Write a contract with yourself. If you need to lose weight, then write that, if you need to exercise, start slow by adding a few days of walking, if you have health issues and need to clean up your diet then commit to that - whatever it is write up a contract and sign it in front of a witness, include being a member of Copious Health and make it for a year, a year of change!!!
#2 Go and buy yourself a journal. Before you go to sleep at night spend a few minutes writing down what you want to happen in your life that is positive. If you are dealing with illness, write down the cellular changes that you wish to occur as you sleep. An example would be: As I sleep, my body is healing at miraculous speed. Every cell in my body, every muscle, blood vessel, nerve, tissue, bones, and organs heal to perfection guided by my will. If you are healthy and want to invite love into your life then an example would be: I am at peace with myself and allow love and light into my life. I surround myself with loving nurturing people and attract loving relationships into my life now. Remember, when we sleep our minds need to work on something. That is why it is important to be consistent and do this before we fall asleep.
BE AWARE of what you are thinking and saying about yourself during the day. Remember that we create our own reality. Watch what you say about others.
Catch yourself every time you say or think something negative and immediately REPLACE IT WITH A POSITIVE STATEMENT.
Required watching: Order the movie What the Bleep do we know-watch it over and over again!
As our site develops we will be adding our favorite picks of books to read, movies to see, and products that support each other. If you would like to advertise on our site please contact Christina at for information.